Driving the Van
The vehicle drives as per a normal electric car however there are some things you must do before driving it.
1. Make sure the drivers door deadock is fully back otherwise door will not open or shut properly.
2. Make sure the Serving flap is shut and locked using the T bar key otherwise the flap will open while driving and things will fall out.
Instructions on how flap works here.
3. Make sure the chiller water has been emptied into the 25l drum and that the drum is strapped into the back of the van. Chiller is emptied using a a simple electric pum that is provided with the van.
Setting up for Operating the Van
Open the side flap up and install bar straps as show in the instructions video. The flap is opened using the T bar to unlock the flap, you then lift the flap and install the strap bar/ hinges to keep the flap up. The bars are labelled as they need to go in a specific way round.
2. Turn Car on by pressing foot on the brake pedal and pressing the power button.
3. Dead lock the driver door so no one can get in. (This is because the car can be driven when turned on and we need to make sure no member of the public access the driving cockpit.)
4. Turn the invertor on by using switch where marked on invertor
5. Fill the chiller with water from the chiller water drum using the electric pump . It will take all 25ltrs in the drum. Do not fill past the fill line of the chiller as if it overflows it will damage / trip out the electrics.
6. Turn chiller on by using switch marked chiller
7. Connect any usb required with content for the tv and turn TV on.
8. Set up bar lines as per normal bar – Connect Co2 , clean lines/ Connect Keg
At end of serving time;
1. Clean lines through thoroughly
2. Turn off and empty chiller
3. Remove kegs from van
4. Disconnect CO2 and remove co2 bottle
5. Wipe down bar area and put marketing assets back
6. Close serving flap and lock it using t bar (put t bar back in front of van)
7. Turn invertor off
8. Un bolt driver door
9. Check battery state of car and arrange charging if needed
10. Turn car off
11. Lock Car